Looking for Purpose? Here’s the Best Advice For Hiring a Coach

Anyone 30 and up still figuring out their purpose in life?

At the point when I was looking for a personal improvement coach, a friend gave me a piece of advice.

By and by, that familiar feeling I get like clockwork was bugging me: Unfulfilled.

Here I am in my 30s and almost every goal or dream I had has already materialized.

I’ve been location-independent for six years now, sans cubicle. I’ve adventured a lot with more to come. I married the man who fiercely safeguards the same values I maintain: Happiness = Health + Love + Opportunity.

So for what reason do I feel disrupted?


The Japanese call it ikigai. The French, raison d’être. I call it the thing that keeps me up at night and fills my journal with question marks.

For the first time ever, I’m wondering about my legacy. What will I leave behind when I’m no more?

I’m really not okay with unused life or talents. — me

I read books, built self-development routines, and traveled for inspiration. Yet, what I’d never tried is to hire a coach.

So I had ‘discovery calls’ with certain possibilities to find The One.

Like others who have never worked with a coach, I was making these newbie mistakes:

Looking for somebody ‘very much like me’

Expecting that individual to have the answers

Confusing a coach with a tutor

Rolling my eyes at anyone who says “Simply follow your passions”

At some point, a friend told me:

A coach’s most important occupation is to ask the right questions, so you can find the answers yourself.

That changed how I view coaching.

So I picked the person who asked the best questions and vibed well with me.

It’s incredible the way that the right guidance leads to additional clarity and better decisions. I’m also getting more answers to my questions.

Up until this point, the road has driven me to build consistent daily routines (for example writing, nature walks, meditation), revive a dormant task, and have a fired up outlook on what’s to come.

I don’t have the foggiest idea what my legacy is yet, however I’m following the breadcrumbs.

I’m getting there.


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