Lessons Learned from Selling My Side Project for $20,000.

The narrative of how I procured an unwanted side project, adapted it, and in the long run sold it for $20,000.

The History

I’ve needed to be a business person my whole life yet never had any genuine progress. I would frequently concoct new startup thoughts, make a greeting page, educate every one of my companions concerning my thought… and afterward never really get any clients.

In April of 2021, I concluded that I needed to attempt once more — yet this time with an alternate methodology. I saw that I experienced difficulty securing an underlying arrangement of clients, so I needed to begin by getting an item that had a little client base that I could develop.

I found a SaaS commercial center called MicroAcquire.com where you could trade SaaS items. I found an item that I truly preferred called Shareit.video, a web-based screen recording device like Loom.

Shareit.video produced no income, however it had around 50 individuals visiting the site everyday to record screen accounts.

Obtaining a Neglected Side Project

I in the long run had the option to haggle with the proprietor of Shareit.video to obtain the site for $12,000.

By and large, $12,000 was most likely a lot to spend for the site with no income or enlisted clients.

Nonetheless, I supported that the main thing to me was time. I might have attempted to replicate the site myself, yet it would require me basically two or three months. The $12,000 would give me a coordinated code base and a functioning item with a couple of clients that I could quickly start dealing with adapting.

I inquired as to whether I would be more joyful purchasing this screen recording site and attempting to develop it, or on the other hand on the off chance that I would be more joyful spending the $12K towards another vehicle or putting it in crypto.

The response was clear — purchasing the site would draw me nearer to being a genuine business person and that is something I really needed over all the other things.

Moreover, putting down such a lot of cash would force me to focus on making this project a monetary achievement and keep me from surrendering too soon.

A Time of Progress

I rebranded the site to be called RecordJoy and chipped away at it with my cousin for about a year. In something like a year we produced generally $5000 in deals and had around 3000 enlisted clients.

Altogether, we spent around $3500 in promotions, facilitating charges, and programming memberships to work the business.

Most of our deals came from an organization with AppSumo, which would promote our $120 Life Time Arrangement membership as a trade-off for 30% of the income.

After around a half year, we chose to put RecordJoy for the most part on support mode since we couldn’t find a versatile client obtaining channel.

We took a stab at further developing Search engine optimization, upgrading our greeting page, and other development hacks yet nothing truly worked.

In spite of not having the option to develop RecordJoy any further, I had previously learned such a huge amount from chipping away at the project so I was fine with putting it on support mode. Moreover, RecordJoy was all the while creating around $500 a month in income which was extraordinary lunch cash.

Getting Procured

One of our clients messaged me requesting some element solicitations and I answered that we won’t add additional highlights soon. They answered inquiring as to whether we were keen on selling.

We got on a call with the client and I inquired as to whether he would be keen on purchasing RecordJoy for 15k. The client said he was expecting something close 8k yet would consider it.

Since we were at that point haggling with one purchaser, we chose to put RecordJoy at a bargain on MicroAcquire to check whether there were some other contending offers.

We immediately got 10+ proposals in a couple of days. At last we got a proposal for 18.5k. There was likewise about $1000 in AppSumo that we were unable to pull out, so we consented to move that more than for $600 since around 40% of our deals on AppSumo generally turn out to be discounted.

Lessons Learned

Assemble an Obtaining Channel First

RecordJoy neglected to develop in light of the fact that we couldn’t find a versatile procurement channel. If I somehow happened to begin another project, I would ensure that I had serious areas of strength for a divert set up first before building any items. This could be areas of strength for an on LinkedIn, Medium or YouTube.

Procurement Value Relies upon the Purchaser Buying Power

A portion of the purchasers we addressed were people hoping to purchase side projects, as well as organizations hoping to send off another item classification. The organizations had a lot greater financial plans to spend than the singular purchasers.

AppSumo clients are unique

AppSumo clients esteem life time arrangements and low costs, which may not an effective method for building a business with repeating income. Planning your item towards the requirements of AppSumo clients may likewise bring about an item that doesn’t interface with clients outside of AppSumo.

Attempt to Construct Confidence in a Securing

Numerous things can turn out badly in securing. The purchaser can suffer from sudden anxiety and quit imparting, find something different they need to purchase all things considered, or even take off with your item. It is critical to assemble entrust with the purchaser so the resource trade goes without a hitch. In our most memorable securing meeting, we were so off-kilter and the cost discussion felt extremely firm. In later gatherings, we went through the initial couple of moments attempting to get to the know the purchasers inspirations and foundation before bouncing into the discussion, which assisted form with trusting.

Working Expenses Can Deplete Your Benefits

Try to screen your working expenses. We were truly cheerful when we pulled out the $5000 we produced using AppSumo and Stripe until we understood that we had burned through $3500 in working expenses. Simultaneously, don’t hesitate for even a moment to burn through cash on programming and specialists that can assist you with better comprehension what you want to construct.

Try not to Spend A lot on Promotions

We spent around $1500 on Google Promotions and didn’t create a lot of income from it. For a side project, its smarter to zero in on natural rush hour gridlock from Website optimization as opposed to paid promotions except if you realize your advertisements will have a positive return for money invested.

Need more startup guidance?

I’m Ben, a handyman engineer who has worked at Netflix, Uber and Microsoft. I invest my free energy attempting to fabricate productive side organizations. I’m likewise as of now a MBA understudy at UCLA Anderson.

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