Books to maintain your health

1-4-Hour Body : Books covers all that you really want to be aware for good health . Creator proposes on diet , practice , rest and sex propensities.

2 — How Not to Kick the bucket: Find the Food varieties Deductively Demonstrated to Forestall and Switch Sickness : Creator proposes that plant-based diet is the powerful therapy to forestall and fix infections and for a superior healthy life.

3 — Life expectancy : Why We Age — and Why We Don’t Need To: Why We Age — and Why We Don’t Need To : Creator centers around the science behind living longer however in an illness free state .

4 — OXYGEN Benefit : How to assume responsibility for your life by controlling your breath that is what’s really going on with book . Creator centers around the science behind pausing your breathing.

5 — Superlife: The 5 Basic Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Forever Marvelous : This book is a health and way of life guide . The book plates on the existence powers which are fundamental for a healthy way of life.


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